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[Cob] finding stats

paul dotpaul at
Sun May 20 13:26:39 CDT 2007

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Shannon Dealy" <dealy at>
To: "claysandstraw" <kindra at>
Cc: <coblist at>
Sent: Sunday, May 20, 2007 1:38 PM
Subject: Re: [Cob] finding stats

> On Sun, 20 May 2007, claysandstraw wrote:
> I would say yes, if needed, in many cases where adobe needs it, cob would
> unquestionably not need it.

The irony of this is that if every house in the world was built of cob there 
never would have been the colossal disasters that we've seen such as in when 
hurricane Andrew basically eradicated Homestead, Florida.  Aside from some 
roofs that might need repair, I would expect that a cob house would 
withstand most of the impact of hurricane force winds a lot better than a 
Tonka Toy house.

OTOH, I don't think cob would have been the answer to hurricane Katrina in 
New Orleans because that problem was really a flood problem.  Cob is not the 
answer to everything that haunts us, but it sure beats the crap out of Match 
Sticks blown to smithereens.  Besides, who ever heard of a hurricane victim 
being impaled by a chuck of flying cob?