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[Cob] interior finish - limewash

Patrick Newberry PNewberry at
Tue Jun 19 07:20:52 CDT 2007

Yes, I have the same problem. I'm using pretty much a hydrate lime wash on my wall and have had simliar problems. With 19 grandchildren...Well I see a lot of finger prints.

Plus I mostly just paint in on (sometime 3 coats) over the cob, so it is not uncommon for me to find small dings and such from young folks running through the house.  The good news is that it's quite cheap to fix... I just mix up some some  lime and fix.

I've experimented with a few ideas. One is mixing plaster of paris in with my lime. It seems less dusty but it sure does set a lot quiker so you can't mix as much ahead of time, but rather must use smaller batches.

I've also, in certain areas that have more wear and tear, I've painted laytex paint over the lime and it and this was worked pretty good as well. It's an interior wall there is not much in the way of moister.

I've used a high or semi-gloss over the lime walls and then can wipe them with a damp cloth. The walls had sat for a few years so the lime was about as set as it was going to set by the time I painted it.

Of course I've even painted laytex paint directly on cob and yes that worked as well, but not as easy as over the lime painted walls. Maybe because of the combination of  being white and harder than the cob.


-----Original Message-----
From: coblist-bounces at [mailto:coblist-bounces at] On Behalf Of pirate king
Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2007 6:25 AM
To: coblist at
Subject: [Cob] interior finish - limewash


Thanks everyone for your suggestions about the exterior flooring
problem. I plan to experiment with hydrate lime and see how it goes. We
can't get psyllium over here.

Another question! We are finishing the interior of our cabin with
limewash (approx 4 lime putty - 1 casein from off milk - 5 water) over a
lime plaster. Trouble is, it doesn't seem like a very practical finish -
it dusts (a bit) and it's impossible to clean - muddy fingerprints etc.
just smear when you try and rub them off. Is this some problem with our
mix or our application method - maybe the limewash hasn't set properly?



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