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[Cob] Gravel Bag Foundations

Peters Michael briathel139 at
Thu Aug 9 09:18:10 CDT 2007

  Thanks very much to all of you for the replies. 
  James, I was also concerned about using a non-stabilized material for the wall foundations. Naturally, I wanted to avoid the cost - ecological, economic, etc. - of using poured concrete, so I was considering the gravel bag option, possibly double-bagging them to add extra stability. 
  I also plan to use a rubble trench foundation, with perforated drain pipe at the bottom. Just to confirm, in your experience, bags filled with earth mixed with cement in the proportions you mentioned will provide enough protection from water damage even placed directly on top of the rubble trench? I was concerned that ANY earth mix - stabilized or not - could not be placed where it would come into contact with water. 
  In Earthbag Building, the authors highly recommend lime for stabilzing soil, and say that "A fully stabilized soil is unaffected by water, and will remain stable even when fully immersed". That's for real, then? It would certainly make my life ten times easier. I just want to be sure that my wall won't come falling down after a particularly rainy season.

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