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[Cob] living roofs + reciprocal roofs

Brian Liloia evacindustry at
Wed Nov 26 22:04:05 CST 2008

Thanks, Charmaine.

Also, on a similar note, I just finally wrote up a bit about how to build a
reciprocal roof frame for my website. Visit here if interested:

- ziggy

On Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 2:00 PM, <coblist-request at> wrote:

> a while back some one was stuck with how to keep the soil on the top
> of their planned living roof-- was it Ziggy?
> I had taken pics of the drain pipe- slit- and slid over on the edge of
> a  demonstration shed at Real Goods solar center here in CA.
> anyway-- Dee  just sent pics of her cobhollow rumford stove-- but the
> exciting part  is the page showing how they did the living roof with
> plastic layer, carpet, 3" manure and seeds, the black rugged plastic
> drain pipe is slit- it looks like- and secured to the edge of the
> plywood roof base, this making a raised edge to keep the soil from
> sliding off. once the seedlings set roots this  is a non issue,
> here is the living roof page on Diane's ( Dee)  cobhollow site--
> --
> Ms. Charmaine  Taylor/ Taylor Publishing
> Toll Free Order: 1-888-441-1632
>   www.
> PO Box 375, Cutten CA 95534

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