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[Cob] Easier mixing techniques to keep people loving cob

Monica Proulx at
Sun Feb 8 20:51:26 CST 2009

And Howard, if the animals left a little "something" behind in the pit, so
much the better, right?!  (pardon the subtle manure "humure" folks, but I
couldn't resist. Ok, it *almost* rhymed.)

     From: <howard at>
     Subject: Re: [Cob] Easier mixing techniques to keep people loving cob

     "Yes, I believe traditionally animals were used, like cows and oxen,
often in a shallow pit that ran along the wall that was being built leaving
room for          the scaffolding between the pit and the wall.  This works
pretty well if you need to dig a swale to drain water around and away from
the building anyway."