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[Cob] easier mixing techniques

Christo Markham christo.markham at
Mon Feb 9 02:53:44 CST 2009

Hello All,
Throw all your ingredients in a corral make sure its sufficiently wetted.
Let your Animules trod on it overnight and add their supplements and
pitchfork it into your barrow the next day. See book Building with Cob by
Weismann & Bryce. page 64.

Or if you don't have animals try singing, laughing and amking up new dance
steps. Music seems to lighten the load! Try kelvar gloves to protect fingers
and surf/scuba booties to save feet in sharp stony mixes.
Wet mixes do dry out if you give them time or live in hot climates. They mix
alot faster with less breaking of your straw as with stiff dry mixes,
Don't forget to have plenty of scooby snacks and loads refreshing beverages
at hand!
Muddy fun for all!

