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[Cob] subfloor update (again)

Tys Sniffen tys at
Thu Apr 23 00:01:10 CDT 2009

Report on our subfloor process:


Again, we’re putting down a subfloor now that the roof is done, before the
walls go up.   We’ve changed the process a couple times, but basically, it’s
6 parts road base (large sand with up to ¾” gravel in it) to 1 part local
clay.  We’re putting down 3 inches of subfloor (in this section anyway) on
top of a varying level of drain rock (3/4” gravel)- that level varies from 4
inches to maybe even 20 inches.


What's interesting is watching how the finished stuff dries.  There are
small cracks where our scree boards were - sort of like it's cracking on the
seams - which is no big deal, as we'll be putting more clay flooring over
the top of this.  Also, the parts to the west (downhill side) seem to be
drying faster.  First thought would be that it gets more sun or something,
but it's all under the roof. My thought is that the gravel is deeper under
that part, and so there is more places for the moisture to go. 


We’ve done maybe 100 sq feet (who can tell?) with a ‘yard and a half’ of
road base. (that’s about 3 small loads in my big pickup) I’m looking at
getting a dump truck load sometime next week.




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