Rethink Your Life!
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[Cob] living with no electricity

Damon Howell dhowell at
Wed Sep 30 15:25:16 CDT 2009

I think a new form of tribalism is our only real chance to live  
sustainably. - Howard Switzer

Our country is a tribe. Our government is a tribal hierarchy but it's  
so big and detached from the people it governs that we lose the  
tribal feel. Such as, in a tribe I would be worked with on how to  
build my cob house whereas nation-wide there is one code to follow  
and no exceptions. I don't know inspectors personally like I would if  
we were in a tribe, so they're less likely to approve my way. No one  
much sits around the fire and tells stories anymore either. As a  
result we have lost a personal connection with the people we deal  
with, becoming less sustainable.