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[Cob] plastic jugs in walls?

Marilyn Pratt marilyn.pratt at
Thu Dec 10 12:30:53 CST 2009

I'm not an engineer...

But the place where the failure finally occurred in the earthquake test that went wild and got up to 9 on the scale failed up near where the roof meets the walls.  You're in earthquake country, right?

How are you tying your roof in - are you putting wood deadmen in the walls to link to later?  One possibly silly thing I've wondered about is whether it might be a good idea to put the deadmen at somewhat different heights.  Putting them all at the same height seemed like creating a perforation all around the wall, with the weight of the roof attached.  I've been curious about the wisdom of that.

thanks -

From: Tys Sniffen <tys at>
To: coblist at
Sent: Thu, December 10, 2009 10:07:49 AM
Subject: [Cob] plastic jugs in walls?

So, as my walls get up over 7 feet high, I'm starting to remember how lower
down, when I had them laying around, I would toss in the occasional urbanite
chunk to take up some space. 

Now I'm starting to think about tossing in some one gallon plastic jugs
(vinegar jugs, that are slightly thicker plastic than the common 1 gal milk
jug) again, to take up space, but also I'm thinking having a void in the
wall that size could insulation in a way, and, of course, would make my tall
parts a bit lighter. 

Does that sound like a bad idea to anyone?


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