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[Cob] cold damp cob

William Pittman jimmydeanbean at
Sat Feb 27 00:23:10 CST 2010

  Salt will dry out the cob faster, but that may come at a cost of the
durability of the cob. Maybe interfering with the sand and clay joining

I found a research paper regarding salt and the way it affects building
materials, and how the negative effects can me mitigated. The bad thing is
it costs $31, but it might prove to be worth the cost for those wanting to
dry cob out faster.

Here's the link:

Message: 3
Date: Fri, 26 Feb 2010 08:19:42 -0800 (PST)
From: Ray Cirino <cobanation at>
Subject: Re: [Cob] cold damp cob
To: Damon Howell <dhowell at>, coblist at
Message-ID: <503606.39949.qm at>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

In the desert SW cob can dry in one day. We were amazed this pass summer
that we were able to plaster the next day. I'm building a cob bench right
now in Pasadena and it's taking longer than I want it to. The clay we used
in the desert was filled with salt. Maybe that could work and keep the
sprouts from growing. There was a salt film however when it dried, but oils
took care of that.
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