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Kiko Denzer on Art

[Cob] Rocket Oven has spots - and a true rocket firing

Barbara Roemer roemiller4 at
Wed Apr 28 12:08:09 CDT 2010


This is a wonderful bug - beautifully conceived and executed.  For those of
us who are only generally familiar with rocket stoves, have you written
something about the design combining the rocket stove idea with the cob
oven?  I'd love to see details and an explanation of how it improves on the
terribly inefficient cob ovens (which we have one of, and have both enjoyed
and been frustrated by).  Diameter of the flower feed tube; relationship of
the lower door opening; means of regulating the fire; materials used,
including the steel piece; keeping the clay from cracking on the metal since
the rate of expansion differs so,etc.  Lots of questions.  If you've already
written about this, could you post a site for us?  thanks!

Barbara in the Sierra Nevada Foothills