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[Cob] Coblist Kahuna - Off Topic - 45 watt solar panel

Shannon Dealy dealy at
Tue Oct 12 10:57:18 CDT 2010

We have gone way off topic with the discussion of the solar panel, there 
are other discussion lists and resources on the internet for solar power, 
this discussion should move to those forums.

If you want to continue this, please reply to each other privately - off 

The cob list is for the discussion of earthen building, primarily fiber 
reinforced, though closely related techniques, interfacing to other 
materials and topics that have an obvious tie in to getting the 
structure built are also fine.

Shannon C. Dealy      |               DeaTech Research Inc.
dealy at     |          - Custom Software Development -
Phone: (800) 467-5820 |          - Natural Building Instruction -
    or: (541) 929-4089 |