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[Cob] Brazilian Permacutural Project

Alessandra alecaprara at
Mon Mar 28 08:35:36 CDT 2011

Hey Everyone!
I'm sending you an invite to this public park building. I don't know if they 
have a translator, but you could try. I am brazilian, but I have two kids, so I 
can't go to another state to go with them on this amazing learning adventure. So 
I send you the link with text in portuguese and google can help you :).
The project is in Pernambuco state, from 1st april 6PM to 4th may 7 PM 2011.
They ask all to bring a sleep bag. They have a camping area too. 
The constructions will be in superadobe.
Contact email: neimarmarcos at

Alessandra Caprara
Médica Veterinária Homeopata
Consultora Comportamental
Cel: 11 2778-8059
email: alecaprara at
msn: alecaprara at
skype: alecaprara