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[Cob] cob houses in Canada

Robert Alcock ralcock at
Wed Nov 9 02:32:31 CST 2011

Damon wrote:
> I do agree that most of North America is frigid in  
> the winter and homes should be built accordingly. That's why building  
> codes vary throughout the country. BUT, I have read about 100% cob  
> homes being quite comfortable year round in Canada. 

Yes, but where in Canada? In The Hand Sculpted House there's a photo of 
a house on Bainbridge Island in British Columbia, I believe - which has 
a maritime climate.
> You're wanting  
> cob to be something it's not. I've read that if the diurnal  
> temperatures fluctuate close to 20 degrees then cob is a satisfactory  
> material. 
Not sure what you mean by "diurnal temperatures fluctuate close to 20 
degrees" here...
