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[Cob] failure update

Marlin Nissen marlin_nissen at
Tue Mar 13 12:45:19 CDT 2012

good summary Damon... i kinda missed the discussion but remember especially the cobwood thing where kiln dried lumber (2x4s etc.) worked the best with no shrinking around the Cob.

"You can't separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has freedom. "  - Malcolm X

 From: "dhowell at" <dhowell at>
To: coblist at 
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2012 8:36 AM
Subject: [Cob] failure update
So, what I gathered from asking the list what projects failed and how to prevent it reoccurring: Make the cob around your flue thicker, don't apply your lime plaster or cob in freezing temperatures, make your foundation as wide or wider than the wall it will support, if you're going to use cobwood make sure the wood is cured before building, use double-pane windows in cold country. One thing that I can add from personal experience is, you can't do enough planning. Draw out every detail then make a model using modeling clay and sticks. It will save you a lot of time and labor if you can see the project from beginning to end before you start. I read in a Habitat For Humanity book, "if you can draw it, you can build it." Good luck everyone with their various endeavors.
Damon in Georgia, USA

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