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Kiko Denzer on Art

[Cob] more on lime wash

Tys Sniffen tys at
Wed Aug 1 14:27:34 CDT 2012

Monica asked why one would do lime wash on earthen plaster instead of only
lime plaster:


Our situation actually has some good answers to this.  We did both - lime
plaster in kitchen and bathroom, earthen plaster with lime wash (whitewash)
in living rooms and bedroom.  


Some reasons did that include:

-          Lime plaster is more expensive, as one needs to buy the lime,
slack it, etc, where lime wash uses much much less lime.

-          Lime plaster is harder to work with - more caustic to your skin,
a bit trickier in terms of setting time

-          Lime plaster (I know now) actually doesn't really dry up bright
white (which is what we wanted) check out the photo of the dried lime
plaster on our blog here:


You can see the white we ended up with in the bathroom here:


Some other photos of the testing we did are:




Also, some have given me the simple, good, answer of simply doing another
limewash coat on our walls rather than trying to paint them.  That's a good
solution.except for the fact that it's the whole dang house, and I live here
now!  I was hoping to be able to find a solution that would allow me to do
some simple cleaning rather than repainting the interior of my whole house..


I have yet to try the simple dish soap solution. I think part of my problem
might be I need really clean, really soft clothes to work with. 

