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[Cob] Cob Research Institute crowdfunding campaign

john fordice otherfish at
Wed Dec 12 05:39:35 CST 2018

Hello Fellow Cobbers,
From John Fordice, Cob Research Institute (CRI) Director.   I am sending you an announcement of our CRI crowdfunding campaign.   Perhaps you know of the Cob Research Institute and our work to create a cob code.  A cob building code will completely change what is possible with cob.  As a cob student, or teacher, or experienced cob professional, you and all cobbers will benefit once a cob code is achieved.   Our campaign is an important step towards realization of a cob code and we need your help to make it happen.   Please donate and support this campaign!
Dear Cobbers, 
Allow me to introduce the Cob Research Institute (CRI) to  you. Your taking an interest in cob earth-building and the work of CRI is important and will help spread knowledge of CRI’s mission to CREATE A COB BUILDING CODE.   Building codes in the USA currently do not recognize cob and hence form a code barrier to cob building.  CRI has been created to change this.  To make it legally possible for people to build cob homes everywhere.  We are now very close to accomplishing this goal and will be submitting a COB CODE to the International Residential Code (IRC) this coming January 2019. Much of the needed testing has been accomplished, but thermal testing and final writing of the code remain to be done. CRI needs $50,000 to complete this work.   To gain this urgently needed financial support we have created the CRI COB CODE EFFORT crowdfunding campaign. The link to our campaign is: <>
Please look at our campaign and donate.  Your support, small or large, will help assure success of this important work.  I look forward to seeing your name as a supporter of a COB CODE !
Thank you,
John Fordice - CRI Director <>
p.s.  If you have any questions about CRI or the Cob Code, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Please send us a message that you have received this.