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[Cob] curved roof gutters

Jason Dash jasondash at
Thu May 21 20:01:58 CDT 2020

Hi Damon, 

I have built many curved roofs. I use a 150mm half round gutter and fix segmented to a brilliant backyard made gutter bracket from G&G Gutter Brackets. Google will take you to them direct. 

I might be able to find a few pictures, but you can see online a job I built for Kindlehill School in Wentworth Falls NSW. Works a treat. Google the school and images. 

Hope this helps. 

Jason Dash
0421 649396
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jasondash at
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-----Original Message-----
From: Coblist <coblist-bounces at> On Behalf Of Shannon Dealy
Sent: Friday, May 22, 2020 7:46 AM
To: Damon Howell <dhowell at>
Cc: coblist at
Subject: [Cob] curved roof gutters

> roof. I know it’s not proper, but I’m going to make the roof square 
> (yes, on a circular building) so I can attach a good gutter to it. I 
> like the look of a round roof much better, but I just don’t see a good 
> way to attach a gutter. If anyone knows a way besides a drain pipe, let me know.

Hi Damon,

I'm not sure what you mean by "besides drain pipe", however, I know of two ways that I have seen used which would work for a circular roof:

   - I have seen flexible PVC pipe split length-wise and the halves connected
     end-to-end (using standard PVC glue) to make rain gutters. The limitation
     of this approach is that the larger the gutters you need, the larger the
     diameter of the PVC and the less flexible the pipe will be, making it
     more difficult to attach.

   - Some roof designs actually capture the water by creating a raised edge
     or wall around the roof, then putting drains periodically around the edges
     of the roof. These drains can either go through the bottom of the roof or
     through the raised edge/wall and can be used to route the water where
     you need it to go.

You might also look online for curved gutter systems, a quick google came up with a number of results. Higher end conventional housing often have parts of their roofs curved. "radius gutters" showed up for a number of the google results. You might also look for curved seamless gutters as seamless gutters are often made on site with a special machine that just feeds in a big roll of aluminum (or possibly other metals) and shapes it into a gutter as it feeds through. I don't know if the machines are designed to do curved but it is probably worth checking.


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