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Cob: Cob insulation idea

Darel Henman henman at
Sun Jan 5 21:00:24 CST 2003

I don't mean to put you down but,

lightearth at wrote:
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>.... people in Minnesota and other's have had experiences with cold masonry buildings needing tons of input heat ....

This is to inform you:
Earthen walls have different thermal properties from concrete or
masonary, therefore they will have difference thermal performance.

Structures need to be designed to use solar energy and store it when
needed.  Also to keep internally generated heat inside the structure.

Structures in very cold areas can use insulation and thermal mass to
greater benefit than either alone.

>...and that S. England and S. Japan are mostly warmer in climate (read: different climate) then the > cold/long winter north America---

This goes without saying, that the southern parts of countries are
usually warmer than the northern parts of that same country.  Why are
you comparing the southern part of other countries to the northern

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