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Cob: cob blocks?

Darel Henman henman at
Tue Jan 7 22:07:32 CST 2003

  I have seen pictures of this being done.  Here is the URL for a
picture of blocks being formed.   This is not the size you mention, but
it is a cob like mix brick/block.



> has anyone tried making blocks (like maybe say 12W" X 12H" x 16L" )with cob and then
> stacking and plastering them??
> i plan on making a few (and maybe a few more) just to see what happens. i read of a
> shop somewhere in the uk (not university of kentucky but the united kingdom, just a bit
> of info for all y'all from kansas who wish you were in the sec or acc instead of in
> kansas)  that makes and uses them for repair of older buildings but i was wondering
> about for new ones. something to do in the basement while waiting for winter to end
> have a great night