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Cob: Underground Cob

Yun Que yunk88 at
Sat Jan 18 17:39:10 CST 2003

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<P>Cat here! Look for an article that was in Popular Science, Feb, 1981 called <U>Under-hill Village, tames a plunging slope. </U>  It describes a development in Nice that is earth sheltered in the side of a hill.  It is a short article but very comprehensive.  It may have the answer to your needs.  Let me know if you can not find it I suppose I could mail it to someone and they may be able to get it out to the list.  I don't have a scanner.  I too plan to build an underground , my plot will be to build the cob into a  8' chase that will be used for storage and utilities.  The face of the home will be cob as will the walls to support the roof. The exterior wall will be stone, block, or tires.  I'm not to hot on the tires but going to do a test with an animal shelter and see how they work out.  Regardless I will be putting in #2 stone behind with drain and a ditch at the top for surface water.  This will in theory be held in a cistern for watering the garden.  Which is why I'm not so sure I want to use tires.   If  I don't hit an underground spring when I excavate all will be well, If  I do then I will have to redesign for an indoor waterfall!!  Ha, I love it when I get to redesign in the middle of a project!  </P>
<P><EM>for the good of all </EM>Cat</P>
<P><BR><BR> </P>
<DIV></DIV>>From: "stefanson" <STEFANSON at SBCGLOBAL.NET>
<DIV></DIV>>Reply-To: "stefanson" <STEFANSON at SBCGLOBAL.NET>
<DIV></DIV>>To: "Coblist" <COBLIST at DEATECH.COM>
<DIV></DIV>>Subject: Cob: Underground Cob 
<DIV></DIV>>Date: Sat, 18 Jan 2003 11:14:15 -0800 
<DIV></DIV>>I guess the "underground" part could be taken different ways, and all would be accurate :) But what my question is, is this: If I were to built a small structure (approx 6' round, 6' tall), back and sides earth sheltered, mortared stone holding back the dirt, then lined with cob and given a cob front, in a semi-arid environment, would I need any additional waterproofing besides a french drain uphill? 
<DIV></DIV>>Thanks for your input, 
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