Rethink Your Life!
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The Work of Art and The Art of Work
Kiko Denzer on Art


Grei Raven Shadow Walker greyraven_r at
Mon Jan 27 13:06:38 CST 2003

Between R38 and R60 depending on the size of bales you
use and which way they are laid in the wall.
--- Meagan McAleese <useful_fish at> wrote:
> Hello Jill,
> Straw bales work so well because of the bale. Loose
> straw is a fire hazard, 
> while the compaction of the bale renders it nearly
> fire proof. I'm not sure 
> of the insulation value but I would assume that the
> bale improves this as 
> well. (My bit off off-topic material)
> A note on your house design. The perimeter of the
> house (Exterior walls) is 
> what costs money. Extra square feet of roof is minor
> compared to an extra 
> feet of exterior wall. The first thing I notice
> about your house plans is a 
> phenomenal amount of perimeter. Yes, Cob is 'dirt'
> cheap but still, wouldn't 
> you get a whole lot more square footage for the same
> price if you made it 
> square, or even better, round??
> Jill wrote: "Do you just tear up the straw bales and
> put in a layer? Or do 
> you need to keep them in the bale form for some
> reason?
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"When I look into the abyss it stares back at me, but not as the cold 
dark beast you perceive it to be.
When I am gazed upon by the abyss I see the eyes of a mother, a lover, an old friend.
When I look into the warm familiar eyes of the abyss I see that which
needs me as much as I have need.
I remember, I rejoice, I renew!"
by Grei R. S. Walker, '01

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