Rethink Your Life!
Finance, health, lifestyle, environment, philosophy
The Work of Art and The Art of Work
Kiko Denzer on Art

Cob: granite tile

Frances Grill grill at
Wed Jan 29 07:47:25 CST 2003

Having laid a tile floor or two, I was curious how you are going to attach the granite? If a cob wall cracks you can plaster over. What will happen to this granite floor if the cob  settles ? Can it be set in cob with mud or what are you setting the tile with? What will you grout it with ? Can strawless cob be used or will it crack even as commercial cementacious grouts do occasionally?  Sounds pretty and ...warm in the winter> Good Luck .    Curious Pedro
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<DIV><FONT color=#000000 size=2>Having laid a tile floor or two, I was curious 
how you are going to attach the granite? If a cob wall cracks you can plaster 
over. What will happen to this granite floor if the cob  settles ? Can it 
be set in cob with mud or what are you setting the tile with? What will you 
grout it with ? Can strawless cob be used or will it crack even as commercial 
cementacious grouts do occasionally?  Sounds pretty and ...warm in the 
winter> Good Luck .    Curious 