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Cob: Clay, replacement of or augmentation to..

Bill&Julie wbates at
Sun Feb 2 08:32:58 CST 2003

Hidare Amanda..
Zoundz ~¿~ like you have more that a little knowledge on the subject.
In the gravel in-dust-ry, shipping is the most expense..  Depending on
how hard it is for them to get rid of this by product, they may cut a deal
just to have some place to put it. You may have to wait for them to
have a back haul...
But if quality control is not a problem, or the construction company
understands what you are trying to do. The construction companies
are always looking for places to put the stuff they dig out of the ground.
So you could approach them with your need for good quality clay.
And as Shannon said they may deliever for free...
We sometimes drive 7 or 8  miles one way to dump.
Or We haul it 30 or 40 miles if we have to take something back...
~¿~   bill

----- Original Message -----
From: "Amanda Peck" <ap615 at>
To: <coblist at>
Sent: Sunday, February 02, 2003 7:59 AM
Subject: Re: Cob: Clay, replacement of or augmentation to..

> Ah, so I was missing a major natural resource when I lived between TWO
> paving plants in Nashville--the nearest less than 200 yards away.  Bummer.
> Nearest one from here is about 25 miles.