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Cob: Introduction of sorts

McDonald, Michael J michael.j.mcdonald at
Thu Feb 6 08:22:02 CST 2003

Greetings All,

I've been lurking for a couple of weeks and have seen a great deal of really good discussion and very useful links posted. I was on the sustainable building list for a while but it seemed to be almost entirely earthship discussions which while appealing and entertaining is not where my focus is. 

By way of introduction I'll provide a few details about myself. I live in Pierce County in Washington state (US), a little southeast of Tacoma. I have a 2.5 acre piece of property on which I'd like to build a cob home. At the moment I'm merely in the dreaming stage. My plan is start my building phase by practicing on some goat dwellings and perhaps some garden walls. My hope is that I can get my wife and 8 year old daughter enthused about the idea enough to pitch in and gain the required experience to move on to a home should the idea prove viable.

I am culturevirus