Rethink Your Life!
Finance, health, lifestyle, environment, philosophy
The Work of Art and The Art of Work
Kiko Denzer on Art


jen walker jwalker at
Mon Feb 17 21:55:02 CST 2003

Also, what about codes. Rob Roy did it in New York State I guess, he says 
that the chimney doesn't get hot enough to char the flooring but I wonder if
It'd get approved everywhere not only for fire concerns but also for
structural integrity. We'd like to get away with that too, it'd save us a
support post.
Jenny in Ottawa, Canada where its been -30 degrees celcius with the
windchill for a week or more.

Cat wrote:
Cat here, This I know from experience living in an old  house that has a
central chimney.  Be sure that your foundation for your chimney is solid as
a rock and straight as an arrow,  particularly if your going to hang the
rest of the house on it!
Hey I'm snowed in had to walk the hay to the herd today 1/2 mile up the
holler, pulling it on feed bags!  So much better than a cushy work out at
the gym!!
for the good of all Cat

-------------- next part --------------
<BLOCKQUOTE>Also, what about codes. Rob Roy did it in New York State I guess, he says that the chimney doesn't get hot enough to char the flooring but I wonder if It'd get approved everywhere not only for fire concerns but also for structural integrity. We'd like to get away with that too, it'd save us a support post.<BR>
Jenny in Ottawa, Canada where its been -30 degrees celcius with the windchill for a week or more.<BR>
Cat wrote:<BR>
Cat here, This I know from experience living in an old  house that has a central chimney.  Be sure that your foundation for your chimney is solid as a rock and straight as an arrow,  particularly if your going to hang the rest of the house on it!  <BR>
Hey I'm snowed in had to walk the hay to the herd today 1/2 mile up the holler, pulling it on feed bags!  So much better than a cushy work out at the gym!! <BR>
<I>for the good of all </I>Cat <BR>