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The Work of Art and The Art of Work
Kiko Denzer on Art

Cob: Metal Roofing

Darel Henman henman at
Sun Mar 9 21:20:20 CST 2003

Water catchment is certainly a factor in some areas.

But, for those endowed with a good land based water supply a roofing
material of solar photovotaic cells would be nice for off-the-grid
power.   These produce energy will providing protection against rain.

Just another option.    Artistically thatched roofs and green roofs
still look the best to me.

Another idea (not fireproof), but I saw used for a roof over a water

Bamboo was taken, cut the appropriate lenght for the roof.  Then split
exactly in half lengthwise.  The center membranes where then scraped out
to give you two  u shaped long bamboo roofing elements.   This was done
for the necessary number of bamboo poles then they were applied to the
roof over the water well.

Something like this:   (basically like the U shapped roofing tiles. 
This made an inexpensive cute little roof.   Can't say how long it will
last, but should for at least five years.  This would work great for
little cob shed, doghouse, or  a smark air composting outdoor toilet.
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Dorothy Bothne wrote:
> Amanda Peck wrote:
> "And painted/enameled roofing is, as far as I can tell, THE roof of
> choice
> for water catchment."