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Cob: attic ventilation

Darel Henman henman at
Sun Mar 9 23:21:00 CST 2003

Thanks Shannon et. al.
   amazing the response for a few, for something with I did not send the
group.  It bring to mind a troll.

   An internet troll is:
                 an individual who usually
                 spreads falsehoods in order to get individuals to
respond so he/she
                 can bait, taunt, flame, frustrate or annoy them.

ON-TOPIC subject of attics.

I remember reading an article by a U.S. southern state contractor who
was complaining about the Uniform Building Code, UBC.   He stated that
the venting requirements for the north were different from the south in
practical terms, but the building department people, not people with
actual building experience didn't recognize that. 

So does a buildings attic have to be vented during all seasons or just
for some seasons?  
During a hot dry or even humid summer it makes sense to cool and keep
dry this area.  But, I was wonder what about dry winters?   Anybody with
any experience on knowledge on this?
