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Cob: Re: horse hair

Bill&Julie wbates at
Sat Mar 29 09:40:40 CST 2003

Well,, Sonny,,, yearsss  ago,, when I was just a littl'un,, my first grade
teacher told the story about when she would sell her hair to the Military.
She said that, they would use the long strands to sew parachutes....
Now I ain't going to say she was tellin' the truth,,, but if she wasn't,,
she shouldn't have been a teacher....
But if that was the truth,, then the Barbershop would be a good source
for hair.....  but I think I would ware gloves.... bill

----- Original Message -----
From: "Brad Calvert" <bradcalv at>
To: <coblist at>
Sent: Saturday, March 29, 2003 7:52 AM
Subject: Cob: horse hair

> >are you sure they used mane hair and tail hair and not body hair?
> I was just thinking they are the parts of a horse where you can harvest a
> decent quantity of hair in a short time.  I would think long strands
> better reinforcement.
> Cutting hair from an entire horse with scissors is not my idea of fun.
> Could be they did just use it on plaster.
> I've heard on half-timber wattle and daub infill panels horse hair was
> in with the mud.
> Dunno how human hair would go, I can't say I really like the idea, seems a
> bit creepy, but that may just be my 20th/21st century cultural bias.