Rethink Your Life!
Finance, health, lifestyle, environment, philosophy
The Work of Art and The Art of Work
Kiko Denzer on Art


Frances Grill grill at
Sat Mar 29 08:32:42 CST 2003

Shannon is probablyr eady to pitch a fit as we digress from cob, but this horsehair thing is sort  of interesting..sort of anti-tech. When I rennovated our 130 year old farm house, i opened the wall partitions to find old clay  bricks used for insulation (thermal mass) they were muded roughly over with clay and  straw mix which the mice loved.Recently, I nearly bought an old feed mixer at auction to chop cobs (corn, not straw clay) for insulation. I think it would be great insulation and non-toxic. I abhor working with fiberglass, it just "feels"  unhealthy.Unfortunatly I live in the southwest where corn cobs are sorta rare. One might be able to get a load of cobs,chopped or whole from a feed mill if they live back east. Nothing but air and fiber. Would  it work? PAZ, Pedro
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<DIV><FONT color=#000000 size=2>Shannon is probablyr eady to pitch a fit as we 
digress from cob, but this horsehair thing is sort  of interesting..sort of 
anti-tech. When I rennovated our 130 year old farm house, i opened the wall 
partitions to find old clay  bricks used for insulation (thermal mass) they 
were muded roughly over with clay and  straw mix which the mice 
loved.Recently, I nearly bought an old feed mixer at auction to chop cobs (corn, 
not straw clay) for insulation. I think it would be great insulation and 
non-toxic. I abhor working with fiberglass, it just "feels"  
unhealthy.Unfortunatly I live in the southwest where corn cobs are sorta rare. 
One might be able to get a load of cobs,chopped or whole from a feed mill if 
they live back east. Nothing but air and fiber. Would  it work? PAZ, 