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Cob: Re: horse hair

Yun Que yunk88 at
Mon Mar 31 17:22:26 CST 2003

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<P>Cat here, this is spring and everything is shedding, just brush it off, and fill a bag.  I suppose one could contact a local stable and drop some garbage cans off and ask them to fill them up with the combings?  Hoses generally get brushed daily in most stables, that could add up to a good deal of hair.  Hey anybody how about lint from the dryer?  </P></DIV>
<P>for the good of all Cat<BR><BR></P></DIV>
<DIV></DIV>>From: "Bill&Julie" <WBATES at MN.RR.COM>
<DIV></DIV>>Reply-To: "Bill&Julie" <WBATES at MN.RR.COM>
<DIV></DIV>>Subject: Cob: Re: horse hair 
<DIV></DIV>>Date: Sat, 29 Mar 2003 09:40:40 -0600 
<DIV></DIV>>Well,, Sonny,,, yearsss ago,, when I was just a littl'un,, my first grade 
<DIV></DIV>>teacher told the story about when she would sell her hair to the Military. 
<DIV></DIV>>She said that, they would use the long strands to sew parachutes.... 
<DIV></DIV>>Now I ain't going to say she was tellin' the truth,,, but if she wasn't,, 
<DIV></DIV>>she shouldn't have been a teacher.... 
<DIV></DIV>>But if that was the truth,, then the Barbershop would be a good source 
<DIV></DIV>>for hair..... but I think I would ware gloves.... bill 
<DIV></DIV>>----- Original Message ----- 
<DIV></DIV>>From: "Brad Calvert" <BRADCALV at NETSPACE.NET.AU>
<DIV></DIV>>Sent: Saturday, March 29, 2003 7:52 AM 
<DIV></DIV>>Subject: Cob: horse hair 
<DIV></DIV>> > >are you sure they used mane hair and tail hair and not body hair? 
<DIV></DIV>> > 
<DIV></DIV>> > I was just thinking they are the parts of a horse where you can harvest a 
<DIV></DIV>> > decent quantity of hair in a short time. I would think long strands 
<DIV></DIV>> > better reinforcement. 
<DIV></DIV>> > 
<DIV></DIV>> > Cutting hair from an entire horse with scissors is not my idea of fun. 
<DIV></DIV>> > 
<DIV></DIV>> > Could be they did just use it on plaster. 
<DIV></DIV>> > 
<DIV></DIV>> > I've heard on half-timber wattle and daub infill panels horse hair was 
<DIV></DIV>> > in with the mud. 
<DIV></DIV>> > 
<DIV></DIV>> > Dunno how human hair would go, I can't say I really like the idea, seems a 
<DIV></DIV>> > bit creepy, but that may just be my 20th/21st century cultural bias. 
<DIV></DIV>> > 
<DIV></DIV>> > 
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