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Fwd: Re: Cob: rat runs in cob walls

thomas donnelly papa_tom at
Sat May 10 13:09:00 CDT 2003

AND having kids around reminds us to keep a safe
worksite, which is good for everyone.

--- Yun Que <yunk88 at> wrote:
Cat here.......................................OK guys
calm down you will not be able to learn or to teach by
getting your back hairs all up and fuzzy.  

This is just your basic philosophy gap.  Their are
life styles that use the world as if it was all theirs
to use up without regard for the future, there own as
well as others and generations to come.  Others feel
that they are most comfortable living as a
co-operating part of the universe and that  way is in
there best interest.  We got our," I'm going to heaven
and to hell with the earth", group and the" I'll be
back", folks.  Since neither theory has been proven
one might try to think through the worst scenario. If
this is it kids, we all get to come back as our own
great grand children and deal with the mess we have
made.  Or one can take their chances on making the
going to heaven bus.  Maybe it comes and maybe it
doesn't?  It's all a personal choice isn't it?  How
ever, no children on the work site!?  What fun is
that??  Children are absolutely essential, they slow
our very important lives down so we can enjoy what is
going on.  They remind us how to laugh until our sides
hurt.  They help us to take breaks , to stop
arguments, change a diaper, swing a wee one on our
knees.  But most important, children love to play in
the mud!  Children are part of the community, the
family, and the home.  Personally I'd, rather have a
team of little mud dabbers on my site than send them
to bash themselves black and blue on a soccer field . 

  This is a personal editorial note, for the good of
all Cat

or play in the mud. 

>From: "D.J. Henman" >Reply-To: "D.J. Henman" >To:
AOXFORDCOBBER at >CC: coblist at
>Subject: Re: Cob: rat runs in cob walls >Date: Tue,
06 May 2003 11:10:46 +0900 > >Ox-Ford????. > From your
text you have a void in betwixt your ears. The
>problem is not how to break glass. The problem is
down the road >when the structure returns to nature or
is to be torn down, by >perhaps a new generation of
ambitious cobbers who want their own >unique layout.
This is when glass shards become a hazard.
>Additionally if one wanted to drill a hole for some
installation, >etc, the glass shards could be a
hazard. > > I stand by me position that there are
better methods to one who >does think and design well.
You missed this point. Using a rock >foundation
suitable elevated seems to be one elegant solution. I
am >sure there are others. Try borrowing some
intelligence >somewhere, before you attend any more
conferences and you might be >helpful. > >Darel > >
>AOXFORDCOBBER at wrote: > >>darel >> the thing
in between your ears is a brain you should use >>it
occasionally. >>Bottles can be broken up in a
container such as an old tin bath. Do >>not use your
bare feet ! ware goggles, gloves, and ear protection
>>as there could be some loud bangs. >>a building site
is no place for unsupervised children how ever
>>environmentally friendly it is . rat runs in cob
walls where have i >>seen them , tide barn in Devon
England approx age 300 years cob >>wall bluebury just
outside didcot Oxfordshire . as for the >>imbedding of
glass in Ireland and this topic was also discussed at
>>the Master cob building module at the world earth
building >>conference terror 2000 which I was a
participant . >>if you don't want to break it your
self go to a recycler where you >>will be able to
obtain it pre broken and colour sorted it is also a
>>good way of recycling >>all the best ox > > > > 

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