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Cob: RE: cellulose and plaster

Brad Calvert bradcalv at
Tue May 27 18:43:17 CDT 2003

>It seems if one had the knowledge and materials available (some kind of
plant) that really good quality fiber could be produced.

Flax (used to make linen) could be good.  I have some linen thread I
sometimes use to sew on buttons and most recently a minor shoe repair.  It
is much stronger than cotton.

Flax grows in temperate climates, I think it was a lot more common as an
industrial crop before cotton became dominant.  Sometimes people grow it in

I wonder how ordinary lawn cuttings would go?  Let them dry out properly.
Considering how fibrous horse or cow dung is, grass must be fairly sturdy
stuff to pass through the various stomachs.  Cow dung itself could be an
idea, I think they use it in Africa and India.