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Cob: Ithaca, NY cobbing opportunity

mudhome at mudhome at
Sun Jun 1 12:09:20 CDT 2003

Soon (hopefully) I will be putting a little cob into a strawbale house in 
the Ithaca Ecovillage. Anyone interested in volunteering who is in the area 
(or will be sometime during the next couple months) can contact me to make 
arrangements. We will not be able to cob every day or even every week 
(working around the non-cob construction, the owner's schedule, the times 
I'll be out of town, etc.) and only a few people will be able to at a time. 
Of course, if you live close enough to participate you should have already 
been notified through the Finger Lakes Natural Building Network - if you're 
not a member I can give you the contact info.

Sarah Machtey
mudhome at