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Cob: on salt

Wendy Smyer Yu creeksinger at
Sat Jun 7 07:44:01 CDT 2003

One thing to watch out for, as my sister in law in China will attest, is 
that salt in the mix WILL cause rust in any sort of rustable metal in 
contact with it.  Seems that they're building things with a lot of salty 
beach sand in the mix in china and there's consequent rusting of pipes... a 
real bummer to say the least, when it all leaks and your kitchen wall has to 
be knocked out...

so, not to say that salt couldn't help, but I'd watch out for things like 
>Salt weakens concrete. Any chance it weakens clay?
>At 5:24 PM -0700 6/5/03, Dulane wrote:
>>That is an intriguing concept.  It bears some research.
>>What if it attracted other pests? Like a salt block? I wonder if there is 
>>a level at what is enough and what is too much.

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