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Cob: Cob Homes in Canada?

D.J. Henman henman at
Wed Aug 13 02:53:08 CDT 2003

    please notice that the important source of your information as you 
stated below is non other than the site for the document I gave the URL 
in my e-mail.    See it below, and don't write "it has NEVER been 
called"....  It is usually called its proper name by people who don't 
want to be ambiguous and want no misunderstandings about what type of 
oven or stove is wanted.   They are massive as you said,  it is their 
thermal mass that is to be put to use.

As a side note, in this discussion on stoves,.  I save seen a cob type 
stove that had about a six gallon iron camber built into it between two 
fire holes.   Note, this was made in the days before gas or electric hot 
water existed.  The purpose was to have hot water on hand at all times 
or a lot of the time   It would also help keep the room from being too 
dried out in the winter.



Chandra Glick wrote:

> Here is an important source of my information on masonry stoves. They 
> call them masonry heaters. I have heard of this specific beast many 
> times before and it has NEVER been called "kuznetov" or Russian" in 
> any of my sources. Besides these specific beasts are ALWAYS massive, 
> never small.
> 3.)  From the below site whe have:
>  "Using "system of free movement of gases" as a basis, Podgorodnikov 
> I.S. designed series of stoves called "Teplushka" as well as a number 
> of heating and heating/cooking "double bell" stoves. Stoves of his 
> design were widely built in Russia, and earned a good reputation. The 
> Podgorodnikov's "Teplushka" stove is still considered the best 
> heating/cooking stove, even though most of these stoves are still 
> built with imperfect, not airtight bakeoven doors."
> Hope this helps clear things up for you.   If I've missed something 
> let me know.
> Cheers,
>   Darel