Rethink Your Life!
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The Work of Art and The Art of Work
Kiko Denzer on Art

Cob: slab .. was Introduction

Taylor Publishing-DirtCheapBuilder tms at
Wed Aug 27 13:36:17 CDT 2003

i'm thinking for my future project in costa rica where summertime 
rainfall is high that i will need to put in a concrete slab to get the 
floor level of my house up a bit from the ground level which can become 
soggy and drenched. is this not a good idea?
Mick-  a slab is not a bad idea may just be unnecessary.   and 
costly to import cement.

 why not go post and pier? cement or stone piers to rise off the ground 
enough so cool air can flow under, and use a bamboo or wood floor base?

or if you are building  all cob walls  a rubble stone perimeter 
foundation,( gravel inner pad  or bamboo floor)  and the heavy walls go 
only on the stone  perimeter?   is this a quake zone? would 
snakes/animals live under a  raised floor?

Ms. Charmaine  Taylor/ Taylor Publishing
PO Box 375, Cutten   CA 95534 707-441-1632    books at