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Cob: slab .. was Introduction

David Knowlton pilot1ab80 at
Wed Aug 27 14:57:15 CDT 2003

don't forget your shovel. you can move a lot of earth if you pace yourself. 
shovel yourself a little hill - better yet - find a natural rise, or 
limestone hill.

>From: "mick stone" <costaricacob at>
>Reply-To: "mick stone" <costaricacob at>
>To: tms at
>CC: coblist at
>Subject: Re: Cob: slab .. was Introduction
>Date: Wed, 27 Aug 2003 14:29:39 -0500
>>Mick-  a slab is not a bad idea may just be unnecessary.   and 
>>costly to import cement.
>ok, yes cost is definitely a factor and i just assumed concrete was 
>somewhat affordable and that any cheaper options would be no good for a 
>rain forest environment.
>>why not go post and pier? cement or stone piers to rise off the ground 
>>enough so cool air can flow under, and use a bamboo or wood floor base?
>i like that idea but i'd be worried about a wood floor base because of 
>moisture and/or termites. i like the bamboo idea because it's probably very 
>cheap down there and no trees need to be cut down, but i wonder if it is as 
>susceptible to rot and termites as wood is.
>>or if you are building  all cob walls  a rubble stone perimeter 
>>foundation,( gravel inner pad  or bamboo floor)  and the heavy walls go 
>>only on the stone  perimeter?   is this a quake zone? would snakes/animals 
>>live under a  raised floor?
>will a rubble/stone foundation allow me to raise the floor of the house up 
>high enough to avoid water in a heavy downpour? i'm not sure about how 
>likely earthquakes are at that altitude (1000-2000 feet) but i will check. 
>regarding the animals, yes, there's no doubt that animals would take up 
>residence under a house if they could. i wouldn't worry about snakes (in 
>fact, i'd welcome them) as they eat rodents, etc, but i probably wouldn't 
>want anything potentially destructive living under there.
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