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Kiko Denzer on Art

Cob: slab .. was Introduction

D.J. Henman henman at
Wed Aug 27 23:21:29 CDT 2003

Re: i like that idea but i'd be worried about a wood floor base because 
of moisture and/or termites.
 >i like the bamboo idea because it's probably very cheap down there and 
no trees need to be cut
 >down, but i wonder if it is as susceptible to rot and termites as wood is.

One trick with the bamboo is to harvest it at the right time.   In 
central Japan that is around the first two weeks of November, I 
believe.   The point is to harvest it when most of the starch goes down 
into the root system for the winter.   You would have to check this with 
you local species.   For all year round same temperatures, the plants 
would still follow the cycle. 

The bamboo then used as a wattle and covered with a clay duab can last 
hundreds of years.   As for the exposed ones, I seen used for flooring 
and even outside decks to chairs, not much was done to preserve it.   I 
guess they just like to see it age and then redo it when needed.

There is some way to bug proof it, but you'd have get that info from 
some bamboo association.
