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Cob: electrical

joe r dupont joedupont at
Wed Sep 10 13:01:26 CDT 2003

OK.. Phantom loads are loads of appliances.. that use minimal amounts of
electricity.. which if you are supply it from Photo Cells  it is
energy.  Such phantom loads in VCR,s  Mircowaves, etc.  individually
are not bad. But they draw 24 hours a day. 7 days a week.
Thus the circutry of a Ground Fault Interuptor circuit may be a big deal
or not but it is there.
A lot of people put line switches in the chords of things..

On Wed, 10 Sep 2003 13:02:47 -0400 "Mary Hooper"
<mjhooper at> writes:
> My honey was in electronics/electrical in the navy and taught same in
> community college. He will be competent to do wiring.
> Now, he's been out of the field for a few years and says he does not
> recognize the term phantom loads on GFIs. He says either it's a load 
> or not.
> Will someone be good enough to explain this wrinkle? Thanks for your
> perspectives on the topic..... :-) Mary