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Cob: Re: diatomaceous earth

D.J. Henman henman at
Thu Sep 11 21:44:13 CDT 2003

diatomaceous earth (d.e.)

Thanks Amanda.   So the question was not about different d.e. per say, 
but rather about the different grades and the processing which goes into 
each type of grad of d.e...

Amanda Peck wrote:

> I'll jump in.  There's a big difference between "pool grade" and "food 
> grade."  This link says that the pool grade is chemically treated and 
> heated  to produce crystalline silica.  Nasty, potentially deadly 
> (worse yet, slow death), stuff to inhale.

When you say pool grade here, you mean used in pool filters right?
I wonder if any drinking water filters are made of this..........

>  The plain powdered food grade doesn't seem to harm mammals at all, 
> but can be mixed with grain to prevent insect infestations, dusted on 
> the dogs as flea powder, and so on.
