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[Cob] Finish on a cob couch

Quinn quinn1 at
Thu Sep 25 11:13:49 CDT 2003

I have not done any of this yet but am only just reading about everything until I can get some land.  This list has been invaluable, but often, not having "hands-on", I'm somewhat confused.

How long does cob take to dry anyway?  Obviously the inside of the house (couch/bed) would take longer than a south facing wall, so specifically, how long would one expect it to take a couch to dry?  Would one seal with linseed oil before it is dry?  

I know with wood it has to be dry before you stain (seal) it.  Otherwise the moisture is trapped inside.

Does one use just plain linseed oil, brushed on?  Will other oils work as well?  (Tung oil, Australian timber oil, etc-- I don't mean olive oil or anything, and I certainly don't mean petroleum products.)  Is this something that is usually done, or is this to protect the mattress/ futon/ cushion that will be placed on top?  If not, then what is the purpose of the oil?

What would one do to finish a countertop for instance?  Is it preferable, as recently mentioned, to embed backer-board (dur-rock or something) and then tile it?


> Clay/sand?  Clay/sand/sawdust? Clay/sand/sawdust/lime putty?  The last of 
> those is what I'm chinking with (in approximately 3/7/3/1 ratio)--it comes 
> out pretty smooth as you trowel-finish it.  Seal with linseed oil (from your 
> local hardware store)?  Don't know how long it will take to dry before you 
> can safely put a rug or a mattress on it without getting mold everywhere.
> Kim wonders...............
> As the cob couch is nearing completion, how it will be finished is coming to
> mind--it seems to have boiled down to lime plaster, limewash, or both. The
> couch is being built large enough so that it can be used as a bed as well as
> for sitting. Anyone here have any ideas as to which would work better?
> Thanks.