Rethink Your Life!
Finance, health, lifestyle, environment, philosophy
The Work of Art and The Art of Work
Kiko Denzer on Art

[Cob] (no subject)

Tue Oct 28 10:06:01 CST 2003

What was the name of that book again - the one by Christopher something...? Regarding designing a floorplan or house? 
I accidentally deleted it, and my box empties immediately. :( 

Where does everyone live? We are going to build (so far that's the plan) in Kitsap County, WA. It is just a 50min ferry ride from Seattle, though you would never know it. Very "rural" type town. 
According to one of the magazines I get (I am a book / magazine junky) the NW is the cleanest place to live, aside from Hawaii. Plus, I get to look at the mountains, be on the water, and can get to a city if I want to, in about an hour. (easy commute to work) It barely snows here, the summers are not hot and the humidity hardly felt.. 

I have been perusing other states and land there. Nothing has really perked my interest. Perhaps because I will be alone with the kids.. we are divorced and living together in the house until school gets out this year. (I homeschool the three kids, but my daughter goes to the high school) There is great anxiety to go somewhere new. (No anxiety about the divorce, but some about being the sole provider..) 

My uncle, who lives in WI, put in a driveway (poured concrete, I think) and they came immediately to say he had no permit and made him tear it out. Hence, my apprehension with the  permit people. 
