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[Cob] cob around wood stove

Amanda Peck ap615 at
Fri Oct 31 21:45:42 CST 2003

Definitely metal and glass doors, metal door frames.  Some of the interior 
passages may be metal, may be brick, some other kind of ceramic, or stone.  
But, if only because it is a page from the masonry heater association, no, 
it's not a cheap woodstove covered with clay in an attempt to make it cool.

there are smoke and heat passages all through those heaters.  The black spot 
might even be a leak--below the firebox in that pretty blue and white 
contraflow by Erik Nilsen.

Somewhere in the archives (I'm too lazy to look stuff up tonight) there is a 
thread including some scientific work by a Russian on how to size those 


Jilly sent this link and comment:

Here is where I see what I think to be cob around a woodstove (page down to 
the photos in the middle or so)

what do you think?

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