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[Cob] composting toilet?

Darin Lang darin at
Mon Nov 3 20:58:33 CST 2003

I use a 5 gallon bucket and sawdust. It works great. I put a toliet lid 
on the 5 gallon bucket, you could build a platform, but I am happy with 
the lid. It is odorloss, as long as you cover your dookie with sawdust 
and empty it when about 3/4 full. I keep at least a second bucket handy 
then put the lid on it when it is full. That way i can take it out to 
the compost pile at my convenience. I throw all organic matter in there 
too unless it is going to the chickens. Just keep it covered with 
sawdust and there is no odor and no flies etc. It is so odorless, I keep 
one right next to my desk in the office so I can keep working rather 
than going up to the other bathroom. The two of us fill up a bucket, 
including our food scraps, in 4 to 5 days. If you start to smell it, 
just add more sawdust.

This is the simplest, easiest and cheapest method and it makes great 
compost for the garden. Too combat the buildup of staining in the 
bucket, leave it out in the sunlight for the day every now and then. The 
odor when dumping the compost is surprisingly mild, the sawdust tempers 
it and it has already begun to break down. Again though, cover with 
straw or sawdust, to keep critters, flies and odors away. Rinse the 
bucket and add that to the always thirsty compost pile too.

the best reference book is The Humanure Handbook by Joe Jenkins


Jilly wrote:

Does anyone here currently use a composting toilet such as these in 
their cob home? What do you think?
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