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Kiko Denzer on Art

[Cob] Sand (fwd)

Shannon C. Dealy dealy at
Thu Nov 13 11:43:08 CST 2003

Think this was meant for the list

Shannon C. Dealy

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: kupononaturalbuilders <kuponobuilders at>

> > Do you make cob with this barefoot?

We purchased some sand that had quite a bit of tiny, ragged, sharp pieces of
quartz in it.  After wearing out our feet and duct tape we started wrapping
our feet with, I pulled out my old sneakers.  I like to call them my Air
Adobes tm.  I wore them while mixing and the rest of the day.  You have to
dump the bits of cob out once in a while, but other than that they work
great. Just make sure you you know what a good mix looks and feels like. Our
hands took a grinding also.  We found some rubber coated work gloves.  These
worked very well.  They helped also on some of the colder days.  Buy them as
small as your hand can fit.
This may not be cobbing in its purist form, but it is one way to deal with
that type of material.