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[Cob] slaking Lime

Pack McKibben gakayaker at
Tue Nov 18 14:59:20 CST 2003

I bought four bags {50 lbs. each) of Hydrated Lime today.  I'm going
to place them in a tub and cover them with water for later use.  Is it 
better to open the bags, cover them with water, and have one big bunch 
of lime puddy for future use?  OR is it better to leave them in the bags 
and cover the bags with water?  Does it make any difference?  I also 
thought of opening the bags, dumping the lime in buckets, placing the
buckets in the tub, covering the lime and buckets in water, therefore
having smaller amounts of lime pudding for later use.  Is there
ONE good way, or are all the above copacetic?.

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