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[Cob] wickiups I was smitten by the name from Rivendale Ranch.

Mike Swink mswink77 at
Wed Dec 3 12:50:40 CST 2003

Hint put wickiups in google then look close at the top of the page to click on the tab IMAGES. Quite a surprize.


When trying to learn how people came from living in mud huts to cob type homes in northern germany.
i allways wondered what a mud hut would have looken like. Bet the wickiup was very close.

 I bet this would be a neat way to first build this on a piece of land and then explore where later to build a cob home.
So glad to hear people being concerned with the natural way of growth of forest etc. ANd useing the by products.

The book How to make a Forest Garden by Patrick Whitefield {found by copy at}

Is adding natural plants that grow back each year without  replanting etc.[perennials]

Mike Swink
mswink77 at
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