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[Cob] Question on Planning a Cob Building

ddenmark ddenmark at
Thu Dec 11 01:45:50 CST 2003

Thanks everyone for the good information.
I went through a lot of it over the last day.  Much to consider.  I guess the simplest thing is to just take it one room at a time and be very reflective.

Making a model is on my list and should be very enlightening as well as a just a good winter project.
Like I don't have enough I hope to get done as it is, HA!

One of my sons told his boss (a general contractor) that my house would end up being a mud hut.  He cracked up when I told him about cob this week.

Many of the ideas I gleaned from the Pattern Language Synopsis were things I had already thought would be really nice features but I thought they were pretty out there and people would think I was nuts if I did something like make my bed platform into an alcove and some of the other ideas there.  Maybe I am not as crazy as everyone already thinks I am!

Thanks again, I look forward to learning from you all and hope to have some dirty experience to contribute soon.