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[Cob] a newbie question

Amanda Peck ap615 at
Sat Dec 13 20:38:48 CST 2003

Welcome to the list.

Early sunsets are getting to me here. I don't envy you your zone 2 winters 
at all.  Summers might be different.

As far as I know ALL masonry fireplaces do store heat, which is why one of 
my pet peeves is fireplaces on the outside wall of a building.  Rumsford 
style might do more than most, especially if you did the traditional thing 
and stacked the wood vertically against the back wall instead of using 

If I knew an experienced builder (and had the money!) I'd probably go with a 
masonry stove, with hot air passages and convoluted smoke paths.   But 
then--I've said this before--the only thing that made a great impression on 
me when I read the Brothers Karamozov was one of the brothers being able 
climb up on the stove and go to sleep.  One of Ianto Evans' heated cob 
benches might work for me too.

Be sure and plan an outside air intake.

Ken Kern--in his book on masonry stoves (available as a reprint from ) does approve of fireplaces, hates your standard 
wood stove, not to mention in-floor radiant heat.
Copper Harding writes:
Hi,  I've read the books and the archives.  I am
looking to build in cold cold cold area.  It is rated
zone 2 or 3 for plant growth and average winter
temperature is -20 F.  I am familiar with living in a
passive solar design in that enviro.  However, cob
seems to be a bit of a different issue.

Here is the question:  Does the back or surrounding
parts of a Rumsford fireplace absorb much heat?  If I
placed a cob staircase at the back of the Rumsford and
dropped a bunch of field stone in it for mass would
that be a good choice for storing heat in a very very
small cob?  (and yes I am planning to insulate the
walls with a inner mix heavy in straw and yes I am
planning mass in my floor.)  I am just very familiar
with the multiple precautions that were taken with the
previous passive solar home - and a few of it's
weaknesses.  Thanks for any help or advice you can

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